Advisors Fact Sheet

Information for Lawyers, Financial Advisors, and Other Professional Advisors

CFRBA partners with professional advisors to help create highly effective approaches to charitable giving for their clients. This fact sheet is designed to help these professionals understand the benefits of working with CFRBA.

Benefits of establishing a fund with CFRBA:

Given CFRBA’s 501(c)(3) status, the Foundation offers the maximum tax advantage allowed by federal law to your philanthropic clients.

 Setting up a fund with CFRBA involves very little paperwork and no set-up or legal expenses, in contrast to setting up a private foundation for your client.

 CFRBA staff handles all fund administration and ensures that annual distributions are made.

CFRBA can provide your client with information on where philanthropic needs are greatest in the community.

As a professional, you avoid any ethical conflicts that can arise if you are asked by your client to help them decide where and how to make charitable donations.

CFRBA can provide you and your client with the appropriate language to use in an estate plan or will to ensure that their fund with CFRBA is properly established and funded after their lifetime, if they wish to make CFRBA part of their planned giving.

Together, you and CFRBA can help your clients carry out their philanthropic goals and do good in their community in perpetuity.

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